The Ultimate C++ Unit Test Framework

Last night I saw Kevlin Henney's ACCU London presentation on Rethinking Unit Testing In C++. I had been looking forward to this talk for a while as I had started working on my own C++ unit test framework. I had not been satisfied with any of the other frameworks I found, so decided to write my own. I had a few guiding principles that I felt I had come through on:

  1. I wanted to capture more information than usual. I felt I could capture the expression under test, as written, as well as the important values (that is the values on the LHS and RHS of binary expressions, or just the value for unary expressions).
  2. I wanted the test expressions to be natural C++ syntax. That is I wanted comparisons to use operators such as ==, instead of a macro like ASSERT_EQUALS.
  3. I wanted automatic test registration and descriptive test names. Tests should be implementable as functions or methods.

I called my framework YACUTS (Yet Another C++ Unit Test System) and a typical test looks something like:

YACUTS_FUNCTION( testThatSomethingDoesSomethingElse )
    MyClass myObj;

    ASSERT_THAT( myObj.someValue() ) == CAP( 7 );
    ASSERT_THAT( myObj.someOtherValue() ) == CAP( myObj.someValue() + 3 );

If someValue() returned 7 and someOtherValue() returned 11 I'd get a result like:

testThatSomethingDoesSomethingElse failed in expression myObj.someOtherValue() == ( myObj.someValue() + 3 ).
myObj.someOtherValue() = 11, but ( myObj.someValue() + 3 ) = 10

Which I thought was pretty good. I didn't really like the way the expression had to be broken up between the two macros, but thought it a reasonable price to pay for such an unprecedented level of expressiveness. I did think about whether expression templates could help - but didn't see a way around it.

So I sat up straight when Kevlin showed how he'd achieved the same goals with something like the following:

SPECIFICATION( something_that_does_something )
    MyClass myObj;

    PROPOSITION( "values are 7 and 7+3" )
        IS_TRUE( myObj.someValue() == 7 );
        IS_TRUE( myObj.someOtherValue() == myObj.someValue() + 3 );

What I'm focusing on here is how he pulled off his IS_TRUE macro. You pass it a complete expression and it decomposes it such that you get the values of LHS and RHS, the original expression as a string, and the evaluated result - but without any additional syntax!

The details of how he achieved this are too much to go into here - and I don't remember them sufficiently to do a good job anyway. But the core trick he used to be able to "grab the first value" as he put it (and from there it's just a case of overloading operators to get those and the RHS) was to create a capturing mechanism involving the ->* operator. The reason this is significant is twofold: (1) ->* happens to have the highest precedence of the (overloadable) operators and (2) nobody else uses it (well, almost). As a result it can introduce an expression that captures everything up to the next operator (at the same level).

There is more going on here too, which is interesting. Kevlin spent most of his talk building up to the idea of "test cases" being "propositions" in a "specification". The end result is something that grammatically encourages a more declarative, specification driven, flow of assertions. His mechanism also allows him to use strings as test names (or proposition names) and to declare specification scoped variables without the need to setup a class (a specification is really a function). As well as the slight shift in emphasis it also drops a small amount of ceremony, and so is a welcome technique.

Interestingly, although I hadn't fully implemented it, I had experimented with using strings as test names too, even though my unit of test case is still the function. My mechanism was to completely generate and hide the function name, but use the string to pass to the auto registration function. However to reuse state between tests I still had to declare a class (although tests could be functions or methods), so Kevlin's approach is still an improvement here.

What interested me most was perhaps not what Kevlin did that I couldn't (although that is very interesting). But rather how remarkably similar the rest of the code looked to mine! I know that Sam Saariste has also worked on similar ideas - and Jon Jagger was having some thoughts in the same direction (although not as far I think). It seems we were all converging on not just the same goals but, to a large extent, the same implementation! Given that we were already off the beaten track that reassures me that there is a naturalness to this progression that transcends our own efforts.

Having said all that I think I prefer my name, "Yacuts" over Kevlin's LHR (for London Heathrow, the environs of which most of his work was conceived) :-)

I have since fleshed out my framework - now called Catch - and posted an entry on it.

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